TAFISA Board of Directors Meets Online


TAFISA Board of Directors Meets Online

21 March 2021

The TAFISA Board of Directors convened for two board meetings, on 26 February and 15 March, to discuss current issues. 

Among other decisions, the board set the course for TAFISA's activities for the year to come, pre-approved new organisations as TAFISA members and reviewed future opportunities for the organisation. 

The Board is also pleased and honoured to announce that Prof. Keith George (Liverpool John Moores University, UK) has been appointed TAFISA Commissioner for Education. Prof. George has been a strong supporter of TAFISA and the Global Sport for All Movement, as attest his involvement in various projects - in particular in the field of Active Cities - as well as his contribution to TAFISA World Congresses and other events. 

Despite the current impossibility to meet in person, the TAFISA Board remains quite active and is making full use of digital tools to regularly meet to tackle relevant matters and lead the organisation.