Towards a European TSG Platform


Towards a European TSG Platform

28 January 2017

It is with great success that TAFISA and its project partners launched, on January 18th – 20th, the “European Traditional Sports and Games Platform” (ETSGP) Project. The kick-off meeting was co-hosted by the Italian Federation of Traditional Sports and Games and Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI) in Rome, Italy.

Co-funded by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union, the ETSGP Project aims to establish a comprehensive overview of the status of Traditional Sports and Games in Europe, from the 3 complementary perspectives of policy, research and practise. Ultimately, it will create a European TSG Platform (ETSGP), serving as a central resource hub and  guide to the EU and its stakeholders for the safeguarding and promotion of TSG at European, national and local levels.

Primary Objectives – To:

  • Create a common understanding of the status of TSG in Europe
  • Preserve, promote and increase participation in TSG, Sport for All and HEPA, particularly among those less active
  • Encourage social inclusion, understanding, respect for others using TSG
  • Encourage heritage preservation and strong cultural identification at local, national and European levels
  • Strengthen the sense of ‘pride in being European’ in citizens across Europe.

Action Plan Summary:

  1. Conduct an analysis of the current situation of TSG in Europe and publish an overview focussing on three key elements – policy, research and practice
  2. Draw conclusions, identify key priorities and formulate recommendations for the safeguarding and promotion of European TSG
  3. Define the ETSGP’s scope of work, vision, mission, objectives, structure, strategy, activities and budget requirements
  4. Establish the ETSGP and broadly disseminate project results

Project Partners:

  • Municipality of Kavala, Greece
  • European Traditional Sports and Games Association (ETSGA), France
  • Flanders Traditional Sports and Games Association (VlaS), Belgium
  • Gerlev Sports Academy, Denmark
  • Italian Traditional Sports and Games Federation, Italy
  • University School of P.E., Poznan, Poland

Co-funded by the Erasmus+Programme of the European Union