On March 3, the PACTE+ Networking Workshop for Cities gathered a network of cities and stakeholders from International and European organizations to strengthen the concept of Active Cities and provide resources for planning and implementing physical activity initiatives. The one-day event, hosted by the PACTE+ Project at the Council of Regions in Brussels, Belgium, showcased the transformative potential of Active City policies and practices in fostering healthier, more inclusive, and sustainable urban environments.
To start the workshop, Think Tank Sport & Citizenship representative Hugo Tosello introduced the PACTE+ Project, setting the stage for discussions on how cities can leverage physical activity policies to drive social and urban transformation. TAFISA Project Impact Officer Rachel Mait highlighted the importance of cities in promoting physical activity, emphasizing that urban areas, home to the majority of the population, play a crucial role in addressing the inactivity pandemic. Representatives from cities such as Limerick, Graz, Angers, and Fredrikstad shared their experiences in implementing local initiatives aligned with the Active City concept. These initiatives, built on five strategic pillars—Active Governance, Active Schools, Active Sports Clubs, Active Workplaces, and Active Mobility—illustrated how small actions can create lasting impact.
Participants explored the PACTE+ Matrix, an innovative tool designed to help cities plan and evaluate physical activity strategies. The matrix was praised for its comprehensive structure, which supports cross-sector collaboration and long-term planning. The workshop also gathered feedback from the cities in attendance on how the Matrix could be improved or enhanced, focusing on how to make it more practical, linked to resources, and more accessible. Cities like Limerick and Graz demonstrated how simple yet creative solutions—such as sports equipment vending machines and QR codes for activity guidance—can significantly improve access to physical activity. Discussions also highlighted the importance of leveraging major events to inspire participation and foster a culture of movement.
A round table discussion featuring representatives from Eurocities, Ghent, and Funchal provided further insights into how cities across Europe are championing active lifestyles. Eurocities highlighted the significance of active mobility in promoting sustainable transport and physical activity, emphasizing campaigns like European Mobility Week and the need for human-centered approaches to urban planning. Ghent showcased its commitment to inclusivity, addressing barriers to sports participation and aiming to create a "15-minute city" where sports facilities are accessible within walking distance. Meanwhile, Funchal illustrated how leveraging natural environments, engaging the private sector, and implementing programs from early childhood to elderly fitness can foster a culture of physical activity despite infrastructural and financial challenges.
The workshop concluded with a commitment to expanding the reach of the PACTE+ Matrix across European cities. By positioning physical activity as a transversal policy, integrated with education, health, and mobility sectors, cities can unlock numerous benefits—from improved health outcomes to social inclusion and urban sustainability.
The insights and recommendations from this workshop will inform the next milestone of the PACTE+ Project, the final conference, scheduled for April 2025. TAFISA remains dedicated to supporting cities in their journey to becoming more active, inclusive, and resilient communities.
PACTE (Promoting Active Cities Throughout Europe) is a project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, which aims to sensitise municipalities, Europe-wide, on the crucial role they can play in promoting Physical Activity. It is led by Sport and Citizenship wth the support of TAFISA, International Council for Sport Science and Physical Education (ICSSPE), European Physical Education Association (EUPEA), National Association of Italian Municipalities (ANCI), European Federation for Company Sport (EFCS), European Cyclists' Federation (ECF), City of Liverpool, City of Turku.
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