SIMS Project Partners Host Engaging Media for Sport for All session at TAFISA Congress


SIMS Project Partners Host Engaging Media for Sport for All session at TAFISA Congress

10 November 2023

From 1-4 November, the SIMS (Sport Inclusion Media Seal) project partners converged at the 28th TAFISA World Congress in Düsseldorf, Germany. The primary goal was to foster collaboration among fellow participants and elevate the visibility of the project.

The journey commenced with a pivotal meeting on 1 November dedicated to charting the course of the project. Notably, discussions centered around the creation of the SIMS Seal, an initiative designed to honour and celebrate media and organisations that champion inclusion within the realm of sports. This seal offers a comprehensive framework, incorporating a certification process, educational courses, and resources provisions. Its primary objective is to amplify awareness and equip media professionals with the means to advocate for inclusive sports coverage through their respective platforms.

Subsequently, the project partners seamlessly integrated into the Congress, uniting with 350 participants representing 70 countries. The Congress served as an invaluable platform for the dissemination of the SIMS project among a diverse audience comprising organisations and stakeholders deeply engaged in the sphere of Sport for All.

SIMS Project Partners
SIMS Project Partners


On 2 November, SIMS spearheaded a thought-provoking parallel session within the Congress under the theme "Engaging the media in Sport for All." The session commenced with an inspiring address by AIPS Secretary General Jura Ozmec, emphasizing the profound relevance of the subject. This was followed by Fernando Soria Hernández and Marc Declercq de la Fuente from España se Mueve, elaborating on the project's foundational philosophy, concept, and its real-world implementation. Representatives from the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB) and the Land Sport Federation of North Rhine-Westphalia showcased exemplary practices of media promoting inclusion in sports. The session culminated in a vibrant, interactive discussion, fostering a rich exchange between the speakers and the engaged audience.

About SIMS: The SIMS initiative is a 30-month project, funded by the European Union, with a key focus on promoting social inclusion, diversity, and equal opportunities through sports via robust dissemination and communication strategies. A significant facet of this endeavour involves the creation of a European seal designed to honour media outlets reporting on social inclusion and equal opportunities within the sports landscape, particularly those actively championing this cause. This seal serves as a catalyst to bolster commitment, offering training to enhance knowledge, skills, and values. Ultimately, the aim is to expand the coverage of inclusive sports initiatives and transform these media entities into advocates for social inclusion and equal opportunities through sports.

Learn more through our video replay below or on YouTube.


Led by Instituto España se Mueve (Spain), the project unites a consortium of partners, including ENAIP (Italy), AIPS (International Sport Press Association, Switzerland), EASPD (European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities), and TAFISA.