Europe in Action Project Comes to an End: Final Recap


Europe in Action Project Comes to an End: Final Recap

12 December 2022

After three full years of exciting activities, Europe in Action Project is coming to an end!

The co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union Europe in Action project had commenced in 2020 with its aim to promote participation in sport and physical activity through providing analytic, educational and know-how activities all over Europe which transfer existing key policies into practical action.

Upon the project kick-off, the partners undertook a Europe-wide mapping of national sport policies and key deliverables to understand how European sport policies are being transferred into practical action on the national and regional/local level. Alongside the mapping, the first phase of Good Practice collection was commenced to provide an opportunity for European Sport for All stakeholders to learn from the successes of others.

2021 had marked another exciting year as the project partners had built from the data gathered in 2020, to develop educational modules based on key themes evidenced in the mapping of key deliverables. All 13 educational modules were designed to fill an existing gap in terms of non-formal education, support sport organisations in the implementation of programmes and events and promote HEPA and Sport for All throughout Europe.

In its third and final year of the project, the project offered an opportunity to bring together Sport for All actors for knowledge and experience sharing as well as the presentation of case studies and good practice. The partners delivered the key outputs namely:
·       Launch of a Capacity Building Platform
·       Launch of the Good Practices Database and Key European Policies
·       Launch of the ‘County Insights’ Resources
·       Report on Regional Analysis of EU Grassroots Sports Policy Delivery Framework
·       Europe in Action Final Report
·       Piloting of three educational modules through Capacity Building Workshops
·       Hosting of a Project Conference for European stakeholders
·       Hosting of a physical event alongside the TAFISA World Congress in June 2022 in Slovenia, and more!

Yet, it is not too late to host the module in your organisation/country! The modules will provide practical knowledge to succeed in promoting, developing and delivering Sport for All initiatives in each of the 13 TAFISA Mission 2030 themes. We encourage you to take a look at how you can participate in the hosting of the Modules: