Frankfurt Mayor and Treasurer Receives TAFISA Friend for Life Award


Frankfurt Mayor and Treasurer Receives TAFISA Friend for Life Award

02 September 2019

TAFISA is honoured to announce that Frankfurt Mayor and Treasurer Uwe Becker was presented the TAFISA Friend for Life Award for his strong commitment to support TAFISA and promote Sport for All. He can be considered a key figure for the establishment of the TAFISA headquarters in Frankfurt through the moral and financial support of his city. Since then, he has always positively accompanied TAFISA on its journey to become a global player with its home base in Frankfurt.

TAFISA Secretary General Wolfgang Baumann Presenting the Award to Frankfurt Mayor and Treasurer Uwe Becker
TAFISA Secretary General Wolfgang Baumann Presenting the Award to Frankfurt Mayor and Treasurer Uwe Becker


As he received the Award from TAFISA Secretary General Wolfgang Baumann, Mayor Becker stated "Sport connects, builds bridges and can bring people from different nations, religions, generations and sexual orientation together. The current challenges faced by society can only be tackled together. As the world's largest grassroots sports organisation, TAFISA is an important pillar."

The TAFISA Friend for Life Award celebrates individuals that have contributed significantly to the growth of TAFISA. Recipients of this award might include, for example, the heads or key contact of host organisations of major TAFISA events, supporters or cooperating partners.