The Sasakawa Sports Foundation (SSF), a Tokyo-based TAFISA National Member, has released its latest report titled "2023 National Sports-Life Survey of Children and Young People." Since 2001, the Sasakawa Sports Foundation (SSF) has conducted its Sports-Life Survey on children in Japan Ages 10 to 19, with the goal of achieving “Sport for Everyone” by understanding exercise and sports participation of children during after-school periods and holidays as well as sports environments surrounding these children.
The survey was designed to understand the levels of participation of Children and Young People in sports and physical activities in Japan since 2001. The details of the survey and the report are available in English at
Upon request, SSF can provide the raw data (including cross-tabulation results, text in Japanese only) from every National Sports-Life Survey taken to date.
For a better understanding of the current situation for children in Japan, please read SSF's article, which provides additional insights:
For further questions about the report and the survey, please contact SSF:
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