Sport for All and the Environment Project Publishes Guidelines for Event Organisers


Sport for All and the Environment Project Publishes Guidelines for Event Organisers

12 July 2018

The "Ecological Recommendations - How to organise a sports event in accordance with the principles of sustainable development" were just published as a part of the International Project "Sport for All and the Environment" (SforAE) co-financed by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. The guidelines were created in cooperation with project partners from the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary. Their aim is to encourage sport event organisers to pay attention to and reduce the environmental impact of their events.

A healthy and clean environment is a requirement for the practise of many different sports. The Ecological Recommendations provide guidelines to aid in preserving the environment. The document is divided in several thematic areas, making it easier for the reader to navigate. Even partial implementation of the guidelines during the preparation for a sporting event will help reduce the negative impact it has on the environment. The publication is available in 5 languages: Czech, English, Hungarian, Polish and Slovak. 

The SforAE project is planned to support around 100 different sport events in 4 countries, providing canned water free of charge, with the requirement that the events are organised in a sustainable way for the environment, including the collection and recycling of empty cans.

The "Sport for All and the Environment" project (SforAE), co-financed by the Erasmus+ Sport Small Collaborative Partnerships (reference number: 590833-EPP-1-2017-1-PL-SPO-SSCP) is carried out by the RECAL Foundation in cooperation from Česká asociace Sport pro všechny, zs (Czech Republic), Przemyski Runner Club (Poland), along with TAFISA Members Asociácia športu pre všetkých Slovenskej republiky (Slovakia) and Magyar Szabadidősport Szövetség (Hungary). The experts from the Academy of Physical Education in Wrocław and TAFISA supported the project during the preparation of the "Green Guidelines".

We encourage you to download the guidelines prepared for organisers of sports events (PDF files):