On the initiative of the TAFISA President Prof. Dr. Juho Chang, and with the financial support of K.Will, a high level PyeongChang Olympic Legacy Symposium was staged in Seoul on 24th January with the ultimate aim to highlight the importance of the legacy and sustainability of Olympic Games. The event was attended by IOC Member and former President of Hungary Pal Schmitt as well as Dr. Tania Braga, Head of Legacy at the IOC. The 300 participants also included representatives from the Tokyo 2020 Organising Committee, from the Korean parliament, academic experts, etc. The Symposium was well organised and spurred strong media coverage and attention - nationally and internationally. The Symposium was also a tribute to TAFISA partner KWill to support their “Bio Health Cluster” project to be included part of the PyeongChang Games legacy.
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